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Friday, May 3, 2013

17 Quick-and-Easy Ways to Earn More Cash

Need some quick cash? Everyone does at one time or another. Here are some simple ways to fill your wallet:

Become an umpire or referee. Both children and adult leagues need someone to officiate. You may take some guff from the fans, but you’ll be paid for the effort. You could earn $15 or more per game.

Check for unclaimed funds. States collect deposits, savings and other accounts when the rightful owners can't be found. A few minutes on the computer could net you money you didn't know you had. Start your search at

Skip the grocery store this week. See if you can feed your family with the things you already have in the pantry. You may find you’re able to save this week's grocery bill.

Join the online, small services marketplace. Sites like and allow you to offer your services for a fee. It's not a full-time job, but could provide a quick cash infusion.

Get a paper route. A few hours early in the morning could earn you $10,000 or more per year—and you can still keep your day job.

Offer up your skills. Whether it's painting, cooking or another skill, your neighbors may be willing to pay you to do it for them.

Fill a temporary need. Retail stores need clerks leading up to Christmas. Florists need help around Valentine's and Mother's Days. Caterers are busy on holidays. Find a seasonal need and offer to fill it.

Walk the dog. Neighbors go on vacation. The elderly become housebound. Dog walkers can earn $20 per day.

Pick up an odd job. Everyone is busy, but the leaves still need raking and the gutters need cleaning. Offer your time to someone who's too busy to do it themselves.

Become an eBay reseller. An easy way to make money is to sell items on eBay. However, consumers can make more by taking things one step further. Collectibles and other valuable items often go for peanuts at garage sales. Buy and resell on eBay, where there are plenty of collectors to bid on your purchases.

Donate plasma. It might seem a little gruesome, but plasma can save lives. You could earn $25 or more for your time and travel.

Become a pet sitter. If you love animals, taking one or two into your home could provide love and a quick source of income. See if your vet will recommend you to his clients who planning a vacation.

Become an office fill-in. If you have office skills and are free during business hours, let professional offices know you're available to be a temporary fill-in. Small offices struggle when their receptionists go on vacation; you could be the smiling face they need.

Become a researcher. Companies often do focus groups or conduct surveys to find out what people think of their product; many are even held online. Search for “market research firms” and apply to share your opinion for compensation.

Help at a food co-op or community pantry. Many will give you food in exchange for your time, which will help you spend less on your next trip to the grocer.

Remove mortgage or credit card insurance. You may be paying for insurance on your mortgage or credit card balance. If you're not required to carry it, drop the coverage.

Ask for a raise. Don’t be afraid to discuss a salary increase—especially if you've saved your employer money or taken on additional responsibilities.

Don't let a temporary cash-flow problem hunker down your finances. By taking some of these steps, you can earn more money without overexerting yourself.

Gary Foreman is a former financial planner who founded website and newsletters. The site features thousands of articles on how to save your valuable time and money including an article on raising instant cash.

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